Saturday, December 22, 2007
So maybe it's not just me...
Well, the government has finally decided to raise CAFE limits to 35 miles to the gallon, so it's possible we may see a revival of this sort of micro-rocket.
Labels: Gas Mileage, The Automotive Industry
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Random PRI stuff

This is the mystery motor that's shown up in a few magazines. Ford's been making a big show of running this thing out at drag races and not saying what it is. All I could tell is that it's got overhead cams, a distributorless ignition, two injectors per cylinder, and it's really, really big and fast. Most of the speculation is that it's a future truck motor, which makes sense given its size. But it would be pretty cool in a Crown Vic, or maybe an Aussie Falcon. Whatever it is, I'm guessing it's meant for production vehicles and probably not meant to be race only. Not too many racing classes would let in a motor that's such a far departure from a production block, and if it were headed for something like LeMans Prototype I'd have expected it to have appeared there before anything else.
Garrett / Honeywell had a drag car on display fed by two massive turbos. The turbos on there make my GT4082 turbo look tiny.
I took this photo at the end of the show when everyone was packing up and going home. Somehow, I'd missed this Gasser-style coupe when it was on the showroom floor. But it sure looks pretty, even if it has to be pushed out on car skates.
Labels: PRI
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Silver linings

Granted, this category did produce a few stinkers. It seems Ford Motor Company for some reason just couldn't pull this off even after trying with the Escort EXP and the 1990s Mercury Capri. GM also built a two seater version of the Chevette. But I've got to wonder if this is being dusted off somewhere around automotive boardrooms with gas prices climbing. Right now there isn't much out there that fits this formula - the closest thing I can think of is the MINI or the roadsters I mentioned above. You could drive the original CRX to an autocross, then take home a trophy and get 50 miles to the gallon on the way home. I don't think any automotive industry execs read this blog... but I can dream.
Labels: Gas Mileage, The Automotive Industry
Toluene, the cheap octane boost

With no fan on the Miata's intercooler, we had a bit of a pinging problem on the dyno at PRI. Jerry wanted to get some race gas, but we had no idea where to find any (OK, so all the race gas makers exhibit at PRI, but we weren't sure they had any for sale at the show). After talking things over with one of the Dynapack representatives who's used this trick himself, we dumped two gallons of toluene in the Miata's tank. This stuff is typically sold at paint stores and is around 114 octane. It costs around $16 a gallon if you're not buying it in industrial quantities, but that's actually cheaper than most auto parts store octane boosters and more effective, too. You don't want to run it straight as this stuff evidently doesn't work too well in cold weather. But it's safe to mix with gasoline, and won't damage your fuel system. In fact, most gasoline has a bit of this stuff in it already.

Labels: Automotive chemicals, PRI, Tech Tips
Monday, December 10, 2007
Wondering where the Mopar A-body Konis have gone?
Not surprisingly, he didn't exactly think the off road truck shock swap idea I covered earlier was ideal, although he mentioned some less high end shock companies have actually been doing somthing a lot like this. Konis are valved for the specific application, and a Rancho off road truck shock might not be exactly the right thing on a car that weighs 1000 lbs lighter. (Although it still may be better than the stock shocks from what I've heard.)
Labels: Dodge Dart, PRI
And I can't seem to find my camera...
So, what was going on at PRI? Here's some things I noticed:
1. A lot of the show, perhaps as much as half of it if you don't count the machinery and trailer exhibits, was dedicated to circle track racing. Most of the other cars were drag machines or road racers, with a handful of other types of cars such as a Bonneville racer. The Miata was one of maybe three autocross cars there.
2. There was a surprising number of diesel performance exhibits, including a compound turbo on display and a semi truck built for road racing.
3. A surprising number of people at the show had already heard of Megasquirt and used it.
4. If a lot of people fly into town for an exhibit about racing, it's really bad news for car rental companies.
5. I got to talk with Garrett's technical staff. They didn't think the GT4082 turbo was all that crazy for a slant six - maybe a bit large for the 400 hp range, but not an unspoolable beast, either. We'll see.
6. Conference food is really overpriced.
Pictures will be up soon.
Labels: Megasquirt, PRI
I've seen this before, but only in forklifts
Labels: Cool Cars
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Needed new tools
By the way, putting a C4 Corvette on jackstands is also quite a challenge. GM seems to have designed this car to be serviced on a lift, and not in a home garage (well, except for some very well equipped home setups). You shouldn't support a C4 by its floor pan, and it's nearly impossible to drive it up normal rampstands. There's two triangular jacking pads that make a good point for a jack, but then there's no spot for the jackstand. I ended up lifting it with a jack high enough to set the tire down on the ramp. Not pretty, but it worked.
Labels: Corvette